The LASSI is a 10-scale, 60-item assessment of students' awareness about and use of learning and study strategies related to:
- Skill components of strategic learning
- Will components of strategic learning
- Self-regulation components of strategic learning
The LASSI is done online (see tab labeled "Taking the LASSI" for instructions) and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
At the end of the LASSI you will immediately receive your score — see the tab labeled "Interpreting Your Score" to understand the information you receive.
The focus of the LASSI is on both covert and overt thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that relate to successful learning and that can be altered through educational interventions.
Research has repeatedly demonstrated that these factors contribute significantly to success in college and that they can be learned or enhanced through educational interventions such as learning and study skills courses.
The LASSI provides standardized scores (percentile score equivalents) and national norms for ten different scales (there is no total score since this is a diagnostic measure). The LASSI is both diagnostic and prescriptive. It provides you with a diagnosis of your strengths and weaknesses, compared to other college students, in the areas covered by the 10 scales and it is prescriptive in that it provides feedback about areas where you may be weak and need to improve your knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and skills.

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