What is LASSI?

The LASSI is a 10-scale, 60-item assessment of students' awareness about and use of learning and study strategies related to:

  • Skill components of strategic learning
  • Will components of strategic learning
  • Self-regulation components of strategic learning

The LASSI is done online (see tab labeled "Taking the LASSI" for instructions) and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

At the end of the LASSI you will immediately receive your score — see the tab labeled "Interpreting Your Score" to understand the information you receive.

The focus of the LASSI is on both covert and overt thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that relate to successful learning and that can be altered through educational interventions.

Research has repeatedly demonstrated that these factors contribute significantly to success in college and that they can be learned or enhanced through educational interventions such as learning and study skills courses.

The LASSI provides standardized scores (percentile score equivalents) and national norms for ten different scales (there is no total score since this is a diagnostic measure). The LASSI is both diagnostic and prescriptive. It provides you with a diagnosis of your strengths and weaknesses, compared to other college students, in the areas covered by the 10 scales and it is prescriptive in that it provides feedback about areas where you may be weak and need to improve your knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and skills.

  • How do I take the LASSI?

    The link to take your LASSI can be found by contacting the Student Engagement Office. It will take about 20 minutes to complete.

    You will need:

    • The School Number
    • The School Username
    • The School Password

    ***Please note, this information can be found by contacting your Academic Success Coach or the Student Engagement Office

    After entering this information, the next screen to appear requires you to enter your first and last name into the spaces provided as well as create a student ID. 

    The next screen to appear will be the LASSI assessment.

    You will be asked to respond to 60 statements. To help you decide which responses to select, we would like to explain what is meant by each option.

    • By Not at all typical of me, we do not necessarily mean that the statement would never describe you, but that it would be true of you only in rare instances.
    • By Not very typical of me, we mean that the statement generally would not be true of you.
    • By Somewhat typical of me, we mean that the statement would be true of you about half of the time.
    • By Fairly typical of me, we mean that the statement would generally be true of you.
    • By Very much typical of me, we do not necessarily mean that the statement would always describe you, but that it would be true of you almost all the time.

    After completing all the items and successfully submitting the results, a two-page report will be displayed listing your scores for each scale. You may print a copy of the results for your results.

    After completing the LASSI, be sure to visit the other tabs on this website to better understand your results and discover ways of improving.

  • Understanding my LASSI Score

    How do I interpret my LASSI scores?

    When you complete the LASSI you will receive a graph you can print out. It will look like this:


    If scores range from 0-50 percent:

    A score below 50 percent indicates that students must improve their study skills to avoid serious problems with succeeding in college. Students who score below 50 percent in three areas, they are encouraged to speak to a study skills counselor or attend one of the Center’s learning skills workshops.

    If scores range from 50-75:

    A score from 50-75 indicates that a student may benefit from improving strategies in these areas.

    If scores range from 75-100:

    A score from 75-100 indicates that a student may not have to give a high priority to improving strategies in these areas, but the online modules may help students acquire new skills or ideas to further enhance learning

  • Improving Your Skills

    Now that you know your score you can work to maintain your strengths and improve upon other areas.

    Research has shown that it is not your ability, but your EFFORT that has the biggest impact on your academic career.

    Making Connections

    There are many people on our campus who are here to help you.

    The Office of Student Engagement provides one-on-one assistance to students in achieving their academic goals. Academic Success Coaches will meet with you to help form your Academic Success Plan, make connections with resources both on and off-campus, as well as work with you to maximize your success during your time at ¿ìèapp.

    • Academic Success Coaching provides advice and resources to enhance students' learning and success inside and outside of the classroom. Areas of support include: study skills, time management, note taking, test taking strategies and goal setting.
    • Tutorial Services is available to assist students in their desire to improve academic achievement by providing one on one tutoring across modalities and access to this tutoring at no cost.
    • The Writing Center provides support from trained writing consultants in person and online that are ready to help ¿ìèapp students with papers and other writing assignments.
    • The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is a support unit for students at ¿ìèapp that provides services designed to help empower students to have full support and accommodations that work to create a culture of inclusion.
    • Personal Counseling services are free to all enrolled students at ¿ìèapp. They are available to help serve your need virtually or in person giving you space to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and lived experiences in a safe, inclusive, and non-judgmental space.