Attitude (ATT)
The Attitude Scale assesses students' attitudes and interest in college and academic success. It examines how facilitative or debilitative their approach to college and academics is for helping them get their work done and succeeding in college (sample item: I feel confused and undecided as to what my educational goals should be). Students who score low on this scale may not believe college is relevant or important to them and may need to develop a better understanding of how college and their academic performance relates to their future life goals.
Motivation (MOT)
The Motivation Scale assesses students' diligence, self-discipline, and willingness to exert the effort necessary to successfully complete academic requirements (sample item: When work is difficult I either give up or study only the easy parts). Students who score low on this scale need to accept more responsibility for their academic outcomes and learn how to set and use goals to help accomplish specific tasks.
Time Management (TMT)
The Time Management Scale assesses students' application of time management principles to academic situations (sample item: I only study when there is the pressure of a test). Students who score low on this scale may need to develop effective scheduling and monitoring techniques in order to assure timely completion of academic tasks and to avoid procrastination while realistically including non-academic activities in their schedule.
Anxiety (ANX)
The Anxiety Scale assesses the degree to which students worry about school and their academic performance. Students who score low on this scale are experiencing high levels of anxiety associated with school (note that this scale is reverse scored). High levels of anxiety can help direct attention away from completing academic tasks (sample item: Worrying about doing poorly interferes with my concentration on tests). Students who score low on this scale may need to develop techniques for coping with anxiety and reducing worry so that attention can be focused on the task at hand.
Concentration (CON)
The Concentration Scale assesses students' ability to direct and maintain attention on academic tasks (sample item: I find that during lectures I think of other things and don't really listen to what is being said). Low scoring students may need to learn to monitor their level of concentration and develop techniques to redirect attention and eliminate interfering thoughts or feelings so that they can be more effective and efficient learners.
Information Processing (INP)
The Information Processing Scale assesses how well students' can use imagery, verbal elaboration, organization strategies, and reasoning skills as learning strategies to help build bridges between what they already know and what they are trying to learn and remember, i.e., knowledge acquisition, retention and future application (sample item: I translate what I am studying into my own words). Students who score low on this scale may have difficulty making information meaningful and storing it in memory in a way that will help them recall it in the future.
Selecting Main Ideas (SMI)
The Selecting Main Ideas Scale assesses students' skill at identifying important information for further study from among less important information and supporting details (sample item: Often when studying I seem to get lost in details and can't see the forest for the trees). Students who score low on this scale may need to develop their skill at separating out critical information on which to focus their attention. Tasks such as reading a textbook can be overwhelming if students focus on every detail presented.
Study Aids (STA)
The Study Aids Scale assesses students' use of supports or resources to help them learn or retain information (sample item: I use special helps, such as italics and headings, that are in my textbooks). Students with low scores may need to develop a better understanding of the resources available to them and how to use of these resources to help them be more effective and efficient learners.
Self-Testing (SFT)
The Self-Testing Scale assesses students' use of reviewing and comprehension monitoring techniques to determine their level of understanding of the information to be learned (sample item: I stop periodically while reading and mentally go over or review what was said). Low scoring students may need to develop an appreciation for the importance of self-testing, and learn effective techniques for reviewing information and monitoring their level of understanding or ability to apply what they are learning.
Test Strategies (TST)
The Test Strategies Scale assesses students' use of test preparation and test taking strategies (sample item: In taking tests, writing themes, etc., I find I have misunderstood what is wanted and lose points because of it). Low scoring students may need to learn more effective techniques for preparing for and taking tests so that they are able to effectively demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter.