What is Academic SUCCESS Coaching?
Looking for SUCCESS Workshops?
Academic SUCCESS Coaching is a support that gives you the opportunity to:
- Establish connections with multiple offices across ¿ìèapp and navigate barriers to increase
- Identify and build upon your learning style
- Learn how to self advocate
- Explore and discover interests, goals, and success strategies
- Achieve an increased executive skillset by developing organizational and time management
skills to help reach success
- Create goals and develop action plans for academic, career, and personal development
goals to succeed in college and beyond
What are the benefits of working with a coach?
- Tailored individual experiences
- Opportunity to strengthen skills needed for success
- Individual support related to your academic needs and goals
- Improved personal skills and behaviors
- Strengthened work life balance
- Improved interpersonal skills
- Increased confidence in your own success
- Enhanced self-awareness of goals and skills
- Personable relationship building
- Making connections with ¿ìèapp
Upcoming Workshops
Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield Transfer Fair
Representatives from the Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield will be on campus
to speak with prospective students and faculty and staff.
Oct. 29, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., SBA Lounge
Working with a Disability: To Disclose or Not Disclose
¿ìèapp Career and Disability Services presents Working with A Disability: To Disclose
or Not Disclose a fireside chat with special guests from the Massachusetts Rehabilitation
Commission (MRC) and individual(s) with disabilities to share their decision-making
process on disclosing their disabilities. Whether you are an individual with a disability,
an ally, or advocate, join us as we discuss the why, when, what, and how of workplace
Nov. 6, 2 - 3 p.m., SBA Lounge
Test Anxiety: Can it be Overcome?
Learn strategies to reduce test anxiety and help you do better on test day.
Nov. 7, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., Student Support Center
Kurzweil 101
Gain hands on experience using Kurzweil (bring your laptop if you would like to follow
along), the text to speech web app that helps students engage with course materials
more efficiently.
Nov. 12, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., G12
How to Navigate the Job & Internship Search
If you are planning to start a job or internship search, attend this workshop for
some tools and best practices for success.
Nov. 13, 2 - 3 p.m.,
Self-Advocacy: Redefining Confrontation
For many people, confrontation is a dirty word and something to be avoided. But what
if we told you that confrontation can be positive and bring about win-win situations
for everyone involved? Join us as we explore how to have constructive conversations
with respect and kindness.
Nov. 19, 2 - 2:30 p.m., Melville 103
Questions? Email Academic SUCCESS
Meet Your SUCCESS Team
Director of Academic Advising and Coaching
Contact: lisham@berkshirecc.edu
Lyndsay has been the Director of Academic Advising and Coaching since August 2023
after serving as an Academic Counselor, Student Advising Coordinator, and Director
of Academic and Transfer Advising at ¿ìèapp. She provides leadership and oversight of
academic and transfer advising and academic coaching and partners with faculty and
staff to continuously improve the support services we offer. Well-versed in ¿ìèapp's
advising software, Lyndsay offers workshops for faculty, staff, and students on how
to make the most of our technology. As a first-generation college student, she loves
helping students understand how to navigate their college experience and make the
most of their time at ¿ìèapp. Lyndsay earned her BA in Political Science from William
Smith College and her MA in counseling from Johnson State College. Originally from
Vermont, she now lives in Pittsfield with her family and is at home on the sidelines
of the softball field watching her girls play the sport they love.
Academic Counselor
Contact: cmirer@berkshirecc.edu
Cheryl Mirer came to ¿ìèapp with over 25 years experience in a variety of fields including
teaching, fundraising, event planning, leading small non-profit organizations, and
higher education. Cheryl grew up in Burlington, CT and earned a Bachelor of Fine Art
and Art History at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Master of Science
in Arts Administration at Boston University. Cheryl is a painter, printmaker, and
mixed media artist and serves on the board of the Berkshire Art Center. Cheryl loves
dogs, hiking, yoga, gardening, cooking and helping others. She is passionate about
the Berkshire community and wishes to make a difference in people’s lives.
Academic Counselor
Contact: enystrom@berkshirecc.edu
Eric earned his bachelor's degree from Nichols College majoring in psychology. He
continued his studies at Springfield College where he received a master's degree in
Counseling Psychology, specializing in student personnel in higher education. He has
served at ¿ìèapp in a variety of roles since 2005. He is also a Certified Strength and
Conditioning Coach.
Academic and Career Counselor
Contact: sburdick@berkshirecc.edu
Sarah Burdick is an Academic and Career Counselor. She earned her bachelor's degree
from MCLA majoring in Psychology. Sarah is certified as an Out Alliance Safe Zone
Trainer and has prior experience in academic coaching/advising, multicultural affairs,
and student records. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and her
two pets, a cat and a dog.
Academic SUCCESS Coach
Contact: dbuxton@berkshirecc.edu
Dana Buxton is the Academic SUCCESS Coach for the Disabilities Resource Center. She
came to ¿ìèapp with more than 15 years of experience supporting diverse populations to
heal, grow, and achieve their life goals. She received her undergraduate degree in
Psychology from Stanford University and her master's degree in Psychology, with a
focus in Ecopsycholgy, from Antioch University Seattle. Originally from Texas, she
loves the natural beauty of the Berkshires and is an avid birder.