Apply for Financial Aid


At ¿ìèapp (¿ìèapp), you will get the same great education at a fraction of the cost.

Need help completing your FAFSA? Check out our FAFSA Completion Workshops!

Financial aid can cover tuition and other academic fees, living expenses, or both. Day, evening, and online students who are enrolled either full- or part-time are eligible for financial aid consideration.

Each year, more than 80% of ¿ìèapp students receive an average award of $5,000. That's a significant savings on your annual tuition.

Apply for Financial Aid

The first step to being awarded aid is by completing your government FAFSA, and filing as early as possible is always a great idea.

Learn More About Types of Financial Aid

Contact Us

Student Financial Services:


Federal Verification Process

We are pleased to announce we have established a partnership with to expedite the federal verification process for ¿ìèapp. Verification Gateway (VG) from Inceptia is an online portal to guide students and parents through verification.

If your FAFSA application is selected for verification by the U.S Department of Education, you will receive an email from, or postcard from Inceptia, containing ¿ìèapp's unique website link to start the verification process.

The deadline for submitting these documents is Aug. 31.

Complete Your Verification

  1. Create your account and choose preferences for text messages and e-signatures
  2. Complete your Task List
  3. Confirm your signature, and review information
  4. Sign your account

If you are a dependent student, your parent also needs to create their own account and complete each of these steps.

More Information About the Verification Process
  • Questions about the verification process?

    Contact Inceptia, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central at 888-374-8427 or email

  • About Inceptia

    Inceptia, a division of National Student Loan Program (NSLP), is a nonprofit organization committed to offering effective and uncomplicated solutions in financial aid management, default prevention, and financial education. Our mission is to support schools as they launch brilliant futures for students, armed with the knowledge to become financially responsible citizens. .

Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident.
  • Be accepted into a degree or certificate program.
  • Have a GED or high school diploma from an accredited high school.
  • Have financial need (except for certain student loans).

Types of Financial Aid

The cost of a diploma from a typical four-year college or university is anywhere from $120,000 to $160,000. By attending ¿ìèapp for your first two years and then transferring for junior and senior year, you'll save $50,000 to $70,000 — and still receive all the benefits of quality higher education!

There are many ways to pay for your education. Let us help you understand the types of financial aid.