STEM Programs of Study


The following STEM and Healthcare pathways are considered STEM Starter Academy programs of study here at 快猫app. Students applying to 快猫app's STEM Starter Academy need to select one of the following as part of the application process.

Program ID for 快猫app Application Program Title
STEM 10 programs + 2 pending DHE approval = 12 programs
AS.CISC CIS-Computer Science
AS.CISS CIS-Networking and Cybersecurity
AS.ENGR Engineering
AS.ENVS Environmental Science
CF.CIND Cannabis Industry
CF.CNET CIS Networking
CF.CPCT CIS Programming-Technical
AS.... Mechatronics *
CF.... Advanced Manufacturing Technician*
ALLIED HEALTH 13 programs
AS.HLPP Health Science-Pre-Professional Transfer
AS.HLSC Health Science
AS.HMTB Health Science (Pre-Massage Therapy)
AS.HPTA Health Science (pre-PTA)
AS.HRSP Health Science (Pre-Respiratory Care)
AS.PTAS Physical Therapist Assistant
AS.RESP Respiratory Care
CF.HIMA Health Information Management
CF.MCTS Medical Coding Technical Skills
CF.MSTH Massage Therapy
NURSING 2 programs + 2 pre-programs = 4 programs
AS.HLPN Health Science (pre-LPN)
AS.HNUR Health Science (Pre-Nursing)
AS.NURS Nursing
CF.PNUR Practical Nurse
AA or AS = Associate Degree; CF = Certificate List Updated - December 2021
27 + 2 pending programs* = 29 total programs.
* Note: 快猫app is presently seeking Dept. of Higher Education approval for two new programs to begin Fall 2022 - Mechatronics (Associate Degree) and Advanced Manufacturing Technician (Certificate). Students applying to these programs are also welcome to apply to STEM Starter Academy.