Addiction Counselor Education (Certificate)

Addiction Counselor Education class

Addiction Counselor Education Overview

The Addiction Counselor Education (ACE) Certificate prepares Human Service or other helping professionals for work in the substance use field. Graduates of this program will be trained to offer the following supervised substance use services that include: Individual and group counseling; assessment; case planning; client services support; documentation; and community service outreach and referrals for individuals and families.

The ACE Program can be completed in one-year or students may opt to attend part-time. Classes will be offered in a variety of modalities. A Certificate of Completion (with 29 college credits) is awarded from 快猫app for those students who successfully complete the six required courses (270 education hours) and a 300-hour ACE field work practicum and seminar.

A strong feature of the ACE certificate is that it will continue to offer stackable credits that will allow students to continue on to an Associate Degree in Social Work with a focus on addiction.

Additionally, HSV-210 (Addiction Counseling) and HSV-225 (Addiction Treatment Modalities) can be used as Specialized Electives for the Social Work Transfer degree or Human Services and Mental Health certificates. Additionally, CRJ-108 (Drugs and Society) is approved for the 2-credit required Fitness block and may be used as a Special Elective course as well.

The ACE certificate at 快猫app will help to address this urgent crisis locally by helping to provide a trained workforce of addiction counselor professionals who will be eligible, after completed the required supervised practical experience in the addiction recovery field, to take the Certificate of Alcohol and Drug Certification (CADC) exam. Overall, students in the proposed ACE certificate will receive a significant increase in pay and enhanced job opportunities. Agencies will benefit from a better trained workforce and can pay workers with 3rd party billing, and our community is strengthened from having skilled workers to help address the devastating addiction recovery crisis in Berkshire County.

Contact Us

Dr. Kari Dupuis, Program Advisor

Learn More

  • Job Growth and Wages

    Employment of substance abuse counselors is projected to grow 23 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than for all occupations. The 2017 median pay for substance abuse counselors was $43,300.

  • Job Titles/Career Options
    • Case Worker (entry-level)
    • Community Based Recovery Facilitator
    • Direct Care Staff
    • Program Assistant
    • Harm Reduction Counselor
  • Local Employers
    • Brien Center
    • Clinical Stabilization Services (CSS)
    • Keenan House
    • Berkshire County ARC
    • Spectrum
    • Viability
    • Berkshire Children and Families
    • Construct
    • Louison House
    • Tapestry Health