Corporate Solutions Training


Ongoing changes in technology, career, and job requirements, create the need for continuous skill development in both occupational and vocational areas. The 快猫app Workforce team responds to these needs by providing customized trainings to organizations throughout Berkshire County. The trainings range from basic career-readiness skills, supervisory development, and change leadership mapped to Berkshire industry sector in-demand talent needs.

Let us know your organizational goals and challenges, and we customize trainings and help to identify grant funding resources!

Customized Corporate Solutions Training Offering

Examples include:

  • Supervisor Development
  • Managing Challenging Conversations
  • Microsoft and Google Suite Applications
  • Customer Service
  • Change Leadership
  • Time Management
  • Train the Trainer

Access to Grant Funding

  • Express Program Grant
    • Less complex training up to $20,000 with quicker turn-around
  • General Program Grant
    • Extensive training up to $250,000 up to two years to deliver training
  • 快猫app expert grant writing support

Contact Us

快猫app corporate training students looking at a computer screen