Career Technical Education Linkage


Career Technical Education (CTE) Linkage at 快猫app (快猫app) works with local high schools to provide high school CTE students with a smooth transition into the higher-ed programs of their choice.

The overarching goal of CTE Linkage is to "link" high school career and technical programs with related programs at 快猫app. Students in aligned programs may be able to receive college credit for some of their high school coursework upon entering 快猫app under the terms of a state or independent articulation agreement.

Contact Us

Addie VanDeurzen, CTE Linkage Coordinator

Students and/or parents may also contact their high school counselor or program teacher.

Massachusetts State Articulation Agreements

There are 14 state articulation agreements between Massachusetts Community Colleges and Chapter 74 CTE high school programs. Visit the to learn more about this collaborative work.

Students who have successfully completed one of the following state approved Chapter 74 CTE high school programs may be eligible for college credit after enrolling in a program of study at 快猫app:

  • Advanced Manufacturing

    快猫app Courses:

    • ENT 122 - Introduction to Computer Aided Design (4 credits)
    • ENT 151 - Introduction to Manufacturing (3 credits)
    • ENT 225 - Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacturing (3 credits)

    Local Chapter 74 Advanced Manufacturing programs at and

  • Business Technology*

    快猫app Courses:

    • CIS 102 - Fundamental Computer Literacy (4 credits) * with Microsoft Certifications in Word and Excel
    • CIS 225 - Spreadsheets and Databases for Professionals (4 credits) * with Microsoft Certifications in Excel and Access

    Local Chapter 74 Business Technology programs at and

  • Computer Aided Design (CAD)/ Drafting

    快猫app Course:

    • ENT 122 - Introduction to Computer Aided Design (4 credits)

    Local Chapter 74 Computer Aided Design (CAD)/ Drafting program at

  • Culinary Arts*

    快猫app Course:

    • CUL 108 - Safe Food Handling & Sanitation (1 credit) *with ServSafe Certification

    Local Chapter 74 Culinary Arts programs at and

  • Early Childhood Education

    快猫app Course:

    • ECE 101 - Early Childhood Growth and Development (3 credits)

    Local Chapter 74 Early Childhood Education program

  • Health Technology

    快猫app Course:

    • AHS 111 - Introduction to Patient Care Skills and Health Career Exploration (3 credits)

    Local Chapter 74 Health Technology program at

  • Information Support Services and Networking*

    快猫app Courses:

    • CIS 180 - Introduction to Networks (4 credits), CIS 181 - Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (4 credits), & CIS 218 - Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation (4 credits) * with CISCO CCNA Certification

    Local Chapter 74 Information Support Services and Networking programs at and

Independent Articulation Agreements

CTE Linkage at 快猫app works with other high school CTE programs to develop independent articulation agreements at the local level between 快猫app and an individual high school.

Students who have successfully completed one of the following local high school CTE programs may be also eligible for college credit after enrolling in a program of study at 快猫app:

Frequently Asked Questions