Care Assessment Response Education (CARE)

¿ìèapp's (¿ìèapp) CARE Team is an interdisciplinary group which addresses referrals, with the goals of supporting student success and helping to steward a safe, equitable, and inclusive learning community. We engage in a collaborative, trauma-informed process that honors the diverse emotional, behavioral, and cultural needs of our students.

What Does ¿ìèapp's CARE Team Do?

We assist students experiencing behavioral or emotional challenges by assessing their needs and responding with appropriate support and referrals. We provide professional development to faculty and staff regarding recognition of signs and symptoms and how to reach out to students.

We meet twice monthly and on an as-needed basis to address or respond to related issues or concerns.

Who is Part of the CARE Team?

Our team is comprised of members from across college departments, offering a diversity of perspectives and approaches to support our students. Our members include:

  • Dean of Students
  • Assistant to the VP of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services
  • Assistant Dean of Student Affairs/Director of Student Support
  • Personal Counselor
  • Director of Safety and Security
  • Director of TRIO Student Support Services
  • Director of Academic Operations
  • Director of One Stop
  • Ad-hoc members on an as-needed basis

Why Would I Contact the CARE Team?

Please notify the CARE Team if you are concerned about a student, either because you have noticed a significant change in their behavior, or simply have a "gut feeling" that they are in distress.

Signs of Concern

  • Changes in academic performance
  • Depressed mood or sadness or noticeable fatigue
  • Not attending classes on a regular basis
  • Significant changes in appearance or hygiene
  • Disruptive or agitated behavior
  • Sleeping in class
  • Appearing anxious and unable to focus
  • Loss of contact with reality (psychosis)
  • Concerns about relationship/domestic violence
  • Indication of significant substance use
  • Self-harm
  • Suicidal statements or ideation
¿ìèapp Care Team logo

Is It an Emergency?

Is a student at imminent risk? Are any of the following behaviors present?

  • Attempting to seriously hurt themselves or someone else
  • Possessing a weapon
  • Out of control behavior

First, call 911. Then, call Security 413-499-4660, extension 6100.

Are You Concerned?

Do you have a concern about an individual on campus? Please report your concern to the CARE Team.

How Else Can You Help?