August 5, 2024
This notice is to notify the campus of a change to one of our campus roads. In partnership with Berkshire Regional Transit Authority and in an effort to improve accessibility throughout our campus, we will be reversing the direction of Fire Road effective Monday, August 12, 2024.
Reversing the direction of vehicle travel along the west fire road from the southwest corner of Koussevitzky (just beyond the sheltered bus stop), past the Hawthorne, Hoffmann Environmental, and Melville buildings will allow BRTA buses and other personal/private ADA-service focused vehicles to provide safe curbside drop-off locations. This change in travel direction allows for safest vehicle access to these areas, reduces any risks to transit customers and other pedestrians, as well as generally increases the attractiveness of public transit access to or from 快猫app鈥檚 main campus. By reversing the flow of traffic along this one-way road, 快猫app can create a continuous travel loop that allows BRTA vehicles to provide passengers with safe, curbside drop-off at two additional locations on the main campus: (1) at the Connector entrance, and (2) at the SBA caf茅/temp library entrance. These stops will be in addition to the existing sheltered bus stop on the south side of the library and the sports complex building. Expanding designated bus stops will provide 快猫app students and faculty with safe, well-built, and sustainable access to BRTA鈥檚 vital transit services. See attached map for an overview of these changes.
Additionally, existing crosswalks have received a fresh coat of paint, new one way signage has been installed, line painting directional arrows on roads have been applied, and crosswalks have been created from Hoffmann Environmental to the other buildings. Additional reminder messaging will go out throughout the beginning of the fall semester. Please feel free to reach out to 快猫app Security with any questions you may have.
Ellis C. Richardson
Director of Safety and Security