èapp awarded more than $250K in early education grant

The Commonwealth’s Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) has awarded Berkshire Community College a Career Pathways Grant totaling $257,331 for the 2022 fiscal year. The grant funds tuition, fees and support for those pursuing a degree in higher education while working in the field of early education and care.  

The grant is designed to reduce barriers to enrollment and completion by providing coherent and stackable courses for credentialing and degree attainment. It also addresses challenges in the early education field, including certified staffing shortages. Funding supports:

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  • Educator enrollment and retention
  • Completion of courses, certificates and degrees
  • Smooth transfer for students who choose to continue their education at a four-year university.

This grant changes lives through coursework and through transferable skills that impact the whole person. We have seen students achieve their academic, professional and personal dreams because of the help these funds provided,” said Alicia Ginsberg, Early Childhood Career Pathway Grant Coordinator at èapp. “Their growth is truly inspiring.”

Recipients of grant funds at èapp have earned teacher certification, lead teacher certification and director certification.   The EEC Career Pathways Grant has supported early childhood educators at èapp since 2019. In just three years, the grant has supported 160 students who completed a total of 1,269 credits.