Email Safe Sender

¿ìèapp Email

Add ¿ìèapp as a Safe Sender to Your Email Account

Don't miss out on important messages from ¿ìèapp (¿ìèapp)! Please add ¿ìèapp to your safe/approved senders list, otherwise College emails may end up in your spam folder.

Learn More

Stay connected to ¿ìèapp from your Gmailâ„¢, Outlookâ„¢ or Yahoo! Mailâ„¢ account.

  • Add ¿ìèapp to Gmail

    Add ¿ìèapp to Your Contacts

    Mark Messages as "Not spam"

    If Gmail has marked a ¿ìèapp email as spam, you will need to tell Gmail our emails are not spam.

    1. In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
    2. Search for an email from ""
    3. Select all the emails shown.
    4. Click "More" and then "Not spam".

    Create a Filter

    Create a filter to tell Google to Safe Sender ¿ìèapp emails.

    1. Click the gear icon in Gmail and select "See all settings" from the Quick settings menu.
    2. Navigate to "Filters and Blocked Addresses" in the top menu.
    3. Select "Create a new filter."
    4. Add "" in the "From" field.
    5. Click "Create filter."
    6. Check "Never send it to Spam" in the checkbox.
    7. Click "Create filter."
  • Add ¿ìèapp to Outlook

    Add ¿ìèapp to Your Contacts

    Create a Filter

    Create a filter to tell Outlook ¿ìèapp is a Safe Sender.

    1. Click the gear icon in Outlook and select "View all Outlook settings."
    2. Select "Mail" from the settings menu.
    3. Choose "Junk email" from the submenu.
    4. Click "Add" under "Safe senders and domains."
    5. Enter ""
    6. Choose "Save."
  • Add ¿ìèapp to Yahoo! Mail

    Add ¿ìèapp to Your Contacts

    Create a Filter

    Create a filter to tell Yahoo ¿ìèapp is a Safe Sender.

    1. Open Yahoo Mail and log into your account.
    2. Navigate to "Settings" then click "More Settings."
    3. Select "Filters" and hit "Add" to enter ""
    4. Name the filter and add the email address ""
    5. Select to send all mail to "Inbox."
    6. Save your settings.