How to Get Your Money Quicker with Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Banking Information

Students: To enroll, please and log in with your My¿ìèapp account info (this is your s# with a lower case "s" — if you have trouble with this, please call the Digital Commons at 413-236-2165).

Once logged in, find the "Quick Links" tile and click on "Student Self-Service." If you do not see the "Quick Links" tile when you login, scroll down to the blue "+Discover More" button and click it. From there you can scroll or search to find the "Quick Links" tile. You will need to log in again, then select "Banking Information." You can then add, edit or view your banking information here.

When you enter your banking information for the direct deposit you may be asked to verify that information. After the information for your banking is entered the college will complete the verification process and there is nothing further for you to do. You will receive a notification once your account has been verified.

*ACH is used for direct deposit of refunds only. This information will not be used to make payments to the College.