Reset a Lost 快猫app Password

Did you know that if you have access to your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) phone number or email address, you can reset your 快猫app password even if your current password is lost or not working? Follow the steps below to reset your password and regain access to your 快猫app accounts.

  1. Follow the link below to access Microsoft's password reset tool:
  2. Enter your 快猫app email address. For students, this is "s" + the 7 digits of your student ID number, followed by It should look like "".
  3. Enter the characters displayed in the prompt, and then click Next.Username and Captcha
  4. On the next screen, you will see a list of options for verifying your account. At a minimum it should have the option to call or text the MFA phone number you have registered. It will also have the option of sending an email to your alternate email address if you don't have access to your MFA phone number, but only if you have registered an alternate email.
    If you no longer have access to your MFA phone number, please reach out so that we can work with IT to reset your phone number.
  5. Select the verification method that works for you. For the purposes of this walkthrough, we will select Text my mobile phone. You may then enter your mobile phone number in the field and click on the Text button.Text my mobile phone
  6. After clicking the Text button, your phone should receive a text message with your verification code, typically within 30 seconds. Once you have your verification code, you can enter it in the Enter your verification code field and then click on the Next button.
    Enter verification code
  7. Once your verification code is accepted, you will be brought to the choose a new password screen. Here you can create a new password. The minimum requirements for the password are as follows:
    • Must not be one of your last 12 passwords
    • Must be at least 10 characters in length
    • Must contain at least one uppercase letter and at least one lowercase letter
    • Must contain at least one number

    Create new password

  8. Once your new password is accepted, it can be used immediately to log into your 快猫app email. It will take 5 minutes for the new password to make its way through our systems and work for Moodle, Self Service, and the My快猫app Portal.
    Please be aware that your browser stores logins separately and that you will need to type your new password in when logging in to any of your other 快猫app accounts whenever your password is changed.