New Students - Logging In for the First Time

Welcome to 快猫app!  


There are three main systems students need access to:

  • - All official messages will be sent to your 快猫app Email, check it daily!  
  • Self-Service - Pay your bill, check your transcript, register for classes, and more.
  • - Where our online and hybrid courses take place.

Your username is "s" + "your student ID number" and it will look similar to s0123456.  When logging into email make sure you add an onto the end so it looks like an email address.  Your student ID number will be included on your acceptance material from 快猫app Admissions.  If you cannot find your student ID number you can schedule an appointment and we can give it to you.

Student passwords are initially set to the last 6 digits of your Social Security Number or "BccMMDDYYYY" using  the numbers of the Month, Day and Year of your date of birth if a reset is requested.  If this initial password is not working for you please let us know through the Online Help Request Form, make sure you fill it out with a non-快猫app email address so we can contact you. 

Getting Access to Your Account

  1. Log into 快猫app email first before trying any other system.   
    Here are step-by-step directions for logging into 快猫app email. Remember, for step 3 use the last 6 digits of your Social Security Number (or "BccMMDDYYYY" where your date of birth is the numbers of the Month, Day and Year if you requested a reset) as your password.  You will be asked to validate your account right away, follow the instructions below.  

    NOTE:  Be sure to do this step on a full computer, not a mobile device such as a cell phone or tablet.  After logging in the first time on a full computer you can then use any device you would like to access your email. 
    See our instructions: How to Check your 快猫app EMail on Mobile - Outlook App
    Also read more about: What is my 快猫app Email Address? 

  2. Validate your 快猫app email account.
    Follow our instructions for validating your 快猫app email account. If this is your first time logging in you will be asked to validate by setting up a phone and/or non-快猫app email address.  This feature will allow you to reset your password on your own without help from the Digital Commons or IT. 
  3. Update your 快猫app password to something you can more easily remember. 
    In some cases students may have already updated their password making this step optional. If you were not prompted to update your password when you first logged in please follow these instructions for changing your 快猫app password to something easier for you to use.  Remember, your old password is the last 6 digits of your Social Security Number (or "BccMMDDYYYY" where your date of birth is the numbers of the Month, Day and Year if you requested a reset)  This will change your password for all other systems at 快猫app, so make sure it's something you can remember or write it down as we cannot lookup passwords.
  4. Log into Self-Service.
    NOTE: You will not be able to log into Self-Service until you update your password by following number 3 above first!
    Please wait at least 5 minutes for the password to update in Self-Service after changing your password as shown in number 3 above .  Once a little time has passed you can then follow our instructions for logging into Self-Service. You will meet with Advising and they will assist you in registering for your courses.
  5. Log into Moodle. 
    NOTE: Please don鈥檛 login to Moodle until after you meet with Advising and register for your courses!
    The day after Advising helps you register for your courses you can  follow our instructions for logging into Moodle.  (Please wait until the next day as there's a process that runs overnight which updates your registrations.) Your classes for the Fall won't appear until the first day of the semester or shortly before, however some New Student Orientation material is available for you to get started on. 

Getting Technical Help

There are many ways for students to get technical help at 快猫app, check out all the options below!

Knowledge Base

All the most common technology questions are answered here right on the 快猫app website.
 Online Help Request Form Fill this out and we will get back to you. After hours requests are answered the next business day.
Schedule a Help Session Need a hand with Moodle, Word, or some other technology that's annoying you?  All it takes is 15 minutes to get most problems solved!
The Digital Commons in Person We are open for certain types of in person help. To make sure there is someone available to help you please 
By Phone Phone support is available but limited, as we may be in a Zoom meeting or helping another student in the Digital Commons.