Asset Essentials: Submit a Request

Note: Asset Essentials is only usable by 快猫app faculty and staff, students do not have access to Asset Essentials.

Have a light bulb that needs replacing, a room painted, or perhaps a bigger project? Asset Essentials is the system used by Facilities at 快猫app to receive and track work order requests. Here's how to submit a Facilities request with Asset Essentials.

Tip: Here's a direct link to .

View this two-minute video demonstration or follow the written instructions.

  1. From within the My快猫app portal, click the link to Asset Essentials.
  2. Click on My Requests on the left side, then click the +New button.
  3. Fill out the form completely:
    • Select a Work Category from the drop down menu.
    • Select a building from Location drop down by searching in the Name field and pressing enter. Type in an Area/Room # if needed.
    • Type a detailed description in the Work requested box.
    • Optional step: Upload a document or image to help explain the request.
  4. In the upper left corner, click the Save button.

    Note: You might have to scroll back up to the top of the page to see the Save button.

Tip: Email updates will be sent as the status of the ticket changes or if the ticket is closed.