Immunization and Medical Records

Immunization Requirements

Massachusetts General Laws 105 CMR 220.600 requires all full-time students (12 credits or more) under the age of 30, all full- and part-time students in Nursing and Allied Health programs (regardless of year of birth), and all international students, are required to present evidence of immunization (see Immunization forms).


Please access CastleBranch for instructions on setting up your account and the documentation process. All records must be uploaded prior to the first day of classes. Questions? Email

Immunization Forms

Students under the age of 30 must complete the immunization form included in their welcome packet, or by printing a copy of the form below.

General Immunization Form for Students (PDF)

The general student population immunization forms should be uploaded to CastleBranch. Contact with any questions. Nursing and Allied Health immunization forms should go to:
Medical Records Office H323
Phone: 413-236-4609
Fax: 800-724-9943

General Student Population Information and Forms

Nursing and Allied Health Forms and Policies

Verification of Student Health History and Physical Exam Allied Health Forms

Health Records

To comply with State legislation (Chapter 76, Section 15C, General Laws of Massachusetts) 快猫app has adopted the following procedures:

  • All health records will be confidentially maintained in the Immunization and Medical Records Office.
  • Health records may include, but are not limited to, immunizations, physical exams, physician correspondence.
  • Any request by a student for his/her health record requires a signed authorization from the student.
  • Release of any medical records to a college or contractual agency is only with the expressed approval of the student.
  • State Mandated Immunizations

    Depending upon a student's status, there are certain immunizations that are required in order to attend college in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These include proof of immunization against:

    • T-dap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertusiss)
    • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
    • Hepatitis B
    • Varicella (chicken pox)
    • Meningococcal vaccine required for students under 21 years of age. This vaccine may be waived after reading the Meningococcal Information and Waiver Form provided by 快猫app

    A student who obtains immunizations or antibody laboratory blood tests (titers) must include a laboratory report proof of immunity. The student is responsible for submitting documentation of his/her immunization record to the Immunization Records Office within 30 days of starting classes.

    Students who are not in compliance with these mandated immunizations will be unable to pre-register for classes.

    Note: All Nursing and Allied Health students must complete all medical requirements and a Verification of Student Health History and Physical Exam prior to beginning classes or clinical rotations.

    International Students

    All international students (regardless of credit-load) are required to have a negative tuberculosis test result within the past one year or a negative chest x-ray within the last five years (Medical forms from doctors' offices should include vaccinations in English.)

  • Preventable Disease Vaccine Regulations
    Hepatitis B

    A series of 3 injections of vaccine given over a 6 month period

    • If there is an interruption in the schedule, the series should not be started again. Continue with the series until all three doses have been administered. If there is a question of immunity, have a titer blood test drawn one month after the final vaccine has been administered.
    • Nursing and Allied Health students must begin the Hepatitis B series before the start of clinical rotations since these programs are under obligation of a contracted agency to provide proof of the student inoculation.
    T-dap (Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis)
    • For tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) the vaccine must be administered within the last 10 years.
    Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
    • 2 doses of vaccine given at least 1 month apart, at/after 12 months of age.
    Tuberculosis (TB)

    Annual test for all Nursing and Allied Health program students as well as for any incoming foreign-born student.

    • TB tests require a reading done 48 to 72 hours after the test has been administered. If the test is not read 72 hours later, the student must redo the test.
    • If an MMR inoculation has been administered within the last 6 weeks, a student must wait to have TB testing done as the test could result in a false positive. A TB test can be performed first without a waiting period.

    If a tuberculosis test result is positive, a negative chest x-ray is required. Negative chest x-rays are acceptable within the last 5 year period. If the chest x-ray is positive, a treatment schedule must accompany the result.

    Varicella (chicken pox)
    • 2 doses of vaccine OR medical proof of disease or a positive laboratory blood test (titer)
  • Notes

    快猫app is required to maintain student immunization records for a period of 5 years. In addition to Tdap, MMR , hepatitis B, Varicella and Tuberculosis test results, Meningococcal and current flu vaccines are also recorded. These vaccines may only be declined for medical or religious reasons. In the event a student declines due to religious reasons, the student must complete and file the necessary forms, which may be obtained at the Immunization and Medical Records Office. If a student is unable to receive an immunization due to medical reasons, documentation from the student's physician must be filed in the Immunization and Medical Records Office. It is also highly recommended that these students have blood testing done to show possible immunity. If an outbreak of measles, mumps or rubella occurs, students who are not immunized will be notified by the Immunization and Medical Records Office via telephone and/or certified mail. It is then the responsibility of the student to determine whether or not to attend classes. It is advised that students update telephone numbers and addresses to assure proper notification.